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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Diplomatic tensions between Morocco and Spain: Canary Islands in the spotlight

From hoaxes to the reality of an uncertain and unsettling future

By 2022, according to United Nations documents, Morocco had not submitted any resolution on the sovereignty of the Canary Islands. This is a hoax that arose in the 1980s, by an unknown author and for uncertain purposes. Nor is it true that King Hassan II had a map in his official office showing the Canaries in the same colour as Morocco. This assertion, made "off the record" by a Canary Islands authority after a protocol visit, has never been accredited with images.

However, as in any other territory, the political situation and international relations can change over time. In the last decade, affinity between Morocco and Spain has experienced significant ups and downs, with periodic diplomatic tensions. Gone are the times of almost familial harmony between King Hassan II and King Juan Carlos I. One issue that has generated particular concern is the perception in certain European quarters that Morocco has an interest in the Canary Islands. Although there are no direct official claims by the Moroccan government or King Mohammed VI, some comments by politicians and media publications have fuelled the debate.

The current Moroccan head of state and his immediate entourage have made no direct mention of the sovereignty of the Canary Islands. The monarch's official stance has focused more on internal affairs and the Western Sahara issue, which remains the neighbouring country's main territorial claim. However, concern has been fuelled by sporadic comments by political figures and articles in the Moroccan media that have hinted at the proximity and historical ties between Morocco and the Canaries.

Some statements by politicians and communicators have raised concerns. The development of the services sector is a priority for the Moroccan government. A project presented last year, which will last until 2026, will turn the Tangiers-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region in northern Morocco into one of the biggest tourist attractions in southern Europe. As the Canary Islands are a world reference in the sector, having the islands as their own territory would generate even more tourism potential for Morocco. Is this in your plans?

In 2002, former foreign minister Mohamed Benaissa made statements that, although ambiguous, were interpreted as a veiled reference to the islands. Benaissa spoke of Morocco's historical rights over territories of interest, which generated reactions in Spain, although without specifically mentioning them. More recently, in 2017, the Moroccan newspaper 'Al-Alam', linked to the nationalist Istiqlal party, published an article suggesting that Morocco should consider the archipelago as part of its area of influence. Although the article does not represent an official government position, it generated a timid response from the Spanish authorities, reaffirming Spanish sovereignty over the islands and rejecting any insinuation to the contrary.

El príncipe Moulay Hassan, heredero al trono de Marruecos, junto a su padre el Rey Mohamed VI, en un reportaje de Paris Match.
Prince Moulay Hassan, heir to the Moroccan throne, with his father King Mohammed VI, in a Paris Match report.

Statements by certain politicians and articles in the media have generated tensions, but do not constitute formal claims. Spain and Morocco have maintained a diplomatic relationship marked by cooperation in several areas, although not without tensions. Joint management of issues such as migration, fisheries and the delimitation of territorial waters remains crucial to maintaining stability in the region.

support for the Sahara claim, the sale of technology, the training of high-ranking military personnel and joint military macro-manoeuvres are all part of US patronage.

The Kingdom of Alaoui's international relations are multifaceted. Recently, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute stated that Morocco has ordered two Ofek reconnaissance satellites from Israel. This makes it a leader in Africa's space race.

France has recently been shouting from the rooftops that Morocco is "the engine of Southern development, the only way to guarantee regional stability", although some claim that this praise is not accidental, but merely intended to secure the cooperation of the Moroccan secret services in the security of the upcoming Olympic Games. Perhaps this is why the French country has provided Morocco with the Ground Master 400 Alpha radar complex, the defensive system that many countries are looking for.

The United States plays a much more important role, providing advice on a number of issues. Unconditional support for Morocco's claim to the Sahara, the sale of state-of-the-art weapons, the training of high-ranking military personnel, and recent joint military macro-manoeuvres very close to the Canary Islands are all part of this patronage. African Lion, in which Spain is neither present nor expected, is a United States Africa Command manoeuvre, organised this year by Morocco, Ghana, Senegal and Tunisia, in which 20 countries are taking part in addition to NATO.

According to Moroccan media, the government of Pedro Sánchez decided not to take part in the manoeuvres in order not to provoke diplomatic tensions with Algeria. However, the Spanish leader does support Morocco's autonomy plan for the Sahara. And that does not sit well with the authorities in Algiers, who unconditionally support the Polisario. Opposite this hot zone, in conflict and with multiple interests, the Canary Islands.

One of the main tasks of the US Africa Command is to disable the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, as well as its affiliates operating in Africa. In addition, it aims to neutralise Al Qaeda and its supporters on African soil, such as Al-Shabaab, as well as other terrorists in the US's sights, including organisations such as Boko Haram.


Migration has been another sticking point. Between 2019 and 2023, the archipelago experienced a significant increase in the arrival of irregular migrants. In 2020, around 23,000 people arrived on the islands, mostly from Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa. This influx has been of concern to Spain, which has intensified cooperation with Morocco to manage the situation. However, the Canary Islands authorities consider the solutions provided to be insufficient.

In addition to irregular migration, the Moroccan community in the Canary Islands has grown through regular migration. According to the Spanish National Statistics Institute (INE), the Moroccan population in the Canary Islands increased by approximately 10,000 people in 2010 to around 20,000 in 2020, reflecting the search for job opportunities and family reunification.


The appearance of maps depicting the Canary Islands in the same colour as Moroccan territory does not seem to worry the representatives of the current Spanish diplomacy, which is focused on covering up information about espionage, blackmail and alleged hidden business deals by Spanish politicians such as Felipe González and Pedro Sánchez. The tense relations between Morocco and Spain, along with Rabat's constant claims to Ceuta and Melilla - and who knows if the Canary Islands as well - have marked Pedro Sánchez's entire term in office.

It has been of great concern to the Canarian government, especially when political power has been in nationalist hands. Although these maps are not official, their presence in media, publications and other contexts has been perceived as a possible insinuation of territorial claims. In addition to the media, some textbooks in Morocco have included similar maps, present in geography and history textbooks, which seek to highlight the geographical proximity and historical connections between Morocco and the Archipelago.

Following complaints from the media and some Canarian politicians, the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued several communiqués in response to these publications, stressing the need for an accurate and respectful representation of the territories on the maps.

Infografía con la delimitación de aguas territoriales. (Fuente: ABC)
Infographic showing the delimitation of territorial waters (Source: ABC).

Very sporadic diplomatic meetings have been held to address and mitigate any potential tensions arising from these representations, albeit without the presence of island authorities or representatives. Despite the tensions, the two countries have maintained close cooperation in a number of areas, including migration management, fisheries and security.


One of the main disagreements between Morocco and the Canary Islands has been the delimitation of territorial waters. On several occasions, the neighbouring country has sought to extend its exclusive economic zone (EEZ), which could overlap with the Canary Islands' waters. This has been seen particularly in the exploration and exploitation of natural resources, such as oil and gas, in maritime areas close to the islands.

On the other hand, fishing activities in the waters around the islands have been a source of dispute between Moroccan and Spanish fishermen. Overfishing and fishing agreements with the European Union have been sensitive issues in bilateral relations.


In the future, a new ruler, Prince Moulay Hassan, heir to the Moroccan throne, could influence the relationship between the two countries and the archipelago. Born in 2003, he is the first-born son of King Mohammed VI and Lalla Salma. On acceding to the throne, he will adopt the name Hassan III in honour of his grandfather, King Hassan II. He is currently studying Governance, Economics and Social Sciences at the Mohammed V University in Rabat, showing an increasing commitment to official activities both nationally and internationally.

Despite his youth, Moulay Hassan has participated in ceremonies and events representing his father, due to King Mohammed VI's health problems. He is also a polyglot, speaking Arabic, French, English and Spanish. Although he has not yet publicly expressed political ideas of his own, his upbringing and appearances indicate a combination of traditional and modern elements. He is being groomed to assume royal responsibilities from a young age, accompanying his father at official events and displaying a demeanour that reflects continuity in the line of Alawite monarchs.

Algunos medios marroquíes han especulado sobre una posible relación entre el heredero Moulay Hassan y la Princesa Leonor.
Some Moroccan media have speculated about a possible relationship between Crown Prince Moulay Hassan and Princess Eleanor.

His well-rounded background suggests a readiness to understand and manage both traditional and modern aspects of the kingdom. In his public interventions, Moulay shows respect for Moroccan traditions and protocols, but also demonstrates an interest in topics such as technology and aviation, which could influence a modern vision for the country's future.

It should be noted that although the Canary Islands have been a point of debate and tension in Spanish-Moroccan relations, there are no official claims by the Moroccan government. Nevertheless, it is prudent to be alert to any change in the situation and to demand the Canary Islands government's involvement in any matter related to Spain-Morocco relations.


The support that Canarian groups offer to the Polisario Front and its struggle against integration in Moroccan territory, together with the sentimental ties of Canarian families with Sahrawi children who have spent their holidays on the islands, complicates relations between the Canary Islands and Morocco. These reasons explain why the authorities of the archipelago are not received with particular affection, with political leaders who travelled to the occupied areas to support the Saharawis even being expelled.

Campamento de refugiados en Tinduf (Argelia).
Refugee camp in Tindouf (Algeria).

The Polisario Front leaders insist on war, but the population in Tindouf (a refugee camp in Algeria) is tired of the situation and prefers to accept the autonomy proposal offered by Morocco with considerable international backing. The PF is aware that the situation is untenable, but clings to maintaining the conflict. Recently, in a YouTube video, Polisario leader Bachir Mustafa called for renewed attacks and terror among the territory's occupiers.

This situation is not favourable for the Canary Islands and their main economic engine, tourism. There is a lot of misinformation on the subject. According to various analysts, there are groups in the Canary Islands that hinder a peaceful solution and, in one way or another, act in coordination with the Polisario. An example of this is the boycott of the existing Canary Islands-Morocco air links or the fierce opposition to the Tarfaya-Fuerteventura sea link. If the sovereignty of the islands were to be discussed in the near future, an independent Sahara would be the worst-case scenario. Much better is the solution of turning the former Spanish colonies and protectorate into an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Morocco, as international geo-strategy analysts make clear.

Ernest Calderón
Ernest Calderón
Contributor to elburgado.com


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