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Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Saturday, July 6, 2024

Fighting bad fumes

Although it might seem that this article is about the atmosphere of tension that is rampant in our Spanish parliament, it has nothing to do with that. However, it does have a common denominator in the form of the politicians of our country.

Several moons have passed since our country, Spain, was the first producer of cigars in the world; and since the Royal Factory of Seville (today the Faculty of Law) was the oldest. Until today, when ignorant politicians surrounded by advisors, but very poorly advised, are cozying up and ostracising smokers.

Of course, in order to put the lid on the succulent revenue from tobacco products and their consumption, they are quick to sign.

As I said, several moons have passed since tobacco was part of our culture, but today, as with so many customs, Spanish politicians spread their white sheets over our history and traditions.

Tobacco, meaning cigarettes, is a scourge, a poison; it is a hindrance, where little or nothing remains of its tobacco spirit. But its smoker also has rights, just like the lovers of vapers and flavoured cigars. However, the world of cigars and pipe tobacco is light years away from the former, because the smoke is not swallowed, the lungs do not suffer and the nicotine levels are very low compared to those of cigarettes. cigarrette.

The origin of the word cigar (always referring to cigars) comes from the Spanish fields where this plant was cultivated, and when, at dusk, the cicadas would display, like tenors, their joyful songs.

Times have changed, people have changed, society has changed, but the standards of our politicians have fallen to alarming levels. In countries like Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Mexico, today's main producers of pure tobacco, all this is tradition, culture, an important part of the economy and social welfare. It is an inclusive world where men and women smoke cigars; something that is more inclusive than finishing a word with one letter or the other.

However, when we cross the pond and arrive at its cradle, we enter the catacombs, obscurantism, social condemnation and the vilest ostracism. Recent Spanish governments have outlawed and equated cigar and pipe smokers with cigarette, vape and flavoured cigar smokers (with all due respect to them). But both worlds are night and day.

Before the end of this year, our rights will have been curtailed again with a law that does not seek the general interest, but to grab the photo and the headline of the propaganda coliseum.

We are the devil, but our money is flush with cash. And all this has already happened years ago, when hoteliers had to refurbish their establishments. And when many of them have not yet finished paying off those loans, in the best of cases; since closure, unfortunately, was the fate of many others.

As I said, at the end of the year, and of course, depending on the autonomous community in which you live, you will suffer to a greater or lesser extent from the whip of the wise legislator.

In the USA, and after a battle of years, money, health studies, medical reports, and a long etcetera, the US High Court has made amends to the Government, scientifically demonstrating that smoking cigars or pipes has nothing to do with the consumption of cigarettes, vapers and flavoured cigarettes; and, therefore, with their diseases and health, in short, with health.

We are consoled by the fact that this battle has now landed in Europe, like the Normandy landings, and we have great and renewed hope for the cigar world. Good smoke, in short.

Jaime Pardo Renshaw
Jaime Pardo Renshaw
Lawyer. Contributor elburgado.com


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