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Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Saturday, July 6, 2024

A chair at Valorizandia

Once upon a time, in a small town called Valorizandia, there was a politician called Don Goyo. He was known for his calm nature and his habit of not making hasty decisions. He had been elected in the hope that his calm character would bring stability and wisdom to the local government.

However, Don Goyo had a peculiarity: he had full confidence that the village's problems would resolve themselves in time. He firmly believed in the power of patience and in letting things take their natural course. So, instead of acting proactively, he spent most of his time sitting in a chair, observing the comings and goings of the people of Valorizandia.

The villagers initially found his attitude comforting, thinking it reflected a serene trust in destiny. But over time, problems began to emerge that required immediate action: streets were deteriorating, water supply was irregular, and public services were in decline. Citizens became concerned and approached the city council for answers and solutions.

Whenever someone presented him with a problem, Don Goyo would respond with a calm smile and a gesture towards the horizon, saying: "Time will fix everything. We must have faith that things will find their balance"..

But time passed and the problems piled up. The residents, tired of waiting, decided to take matters into their own hands. They formed community action committees to repair the streets, organised working groups to secure the water supply, and began to solve the problems themselves. Although at first they were angered by their mayor's lack of action, over time, they realised that their self-organisation made them more responsive and cohesive as a community.

Finally, the villagers approached Don Goyo again, this time to thank him. They told him that, although he had not taken direct action, his attitude had pushed them to become a stronger and more self-sufficient community. Don Goyo smiled, as always, and responded: "I knew they would find their way. The real strength of a people is in its people, not in its leaders"..

And so, Valorizandia prospered thanks to the cooperation and collective effort of its citizens. Don Goyo continued to sit in his chair, watching with satisfaction as his people flourished, proving that sometimes a leader's lack of action can inspire action in his people.

Don Paco
Don Paco
Contributor to elburgado.com


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