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Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Pope is my idol

The Pope Francisco is definitely on my list of idols. He has once again said (I read in ABC) that there is a lot of fagging in the Vatican and has recommended to the clergy that sermons should last no more than eight minutes. Because the priests insist on spouting tremendous nonsense that confuses the faithful and, what is worse, puts them to sleep. This is what Francis has decided, and he has ordered the curamen to restrain themselves in the length of their monologues. Some of them are so absurd that they would make a primary school teacher blush. Because no matter how stupid the audience may be, which they generally are, a priest cannot give a half-hour sermon on the Holy Trinity up and down, with no more content than what comes to mind. The pope's decision will put an end to the rollists in the pulpits who were causing a real bloodletting among the faithful and the pontiff reveals himself to be a man who is careful to ensure that the Church does not get out of hand, because of the roll of his priests. I hope he will also soon put an end to the humiliation of confession. When I was a child, I used to stand near the priest's confessional. Federiquillo RiosWe would go to the Peña de Francia, to listen to what the old women, all of them deaf, and some of them very horny and fucked up, told him. And then we would talk about our sins in the small groups, pointing out to the blessed women, who apparently weren't so blessed. Every time I went to confession with Don Federiquillo, the priest would slap me twice and absolve me without listening to me, because I was a saint next to those old women. In short, the Pope has acted in accordance with logic: less fags in the Vatican, that's enough, and eight-minute homilies, the time of Real Madrid's comebacks. There is nothing better than having a footballing pontiff.

Andrés Chaves
Andrés Chaves
Journalist from the EOP of the University of La Laguna, graduate and doctorate in Information Sciences from the Complutense University, former president of the Press Association of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, former vice-president of the FAPE, founder of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the University of La Laguna and its first professor and honorary professor at the Complutense University. He is a member of the Instituto de Estudios Canarios and the National Geographic Society.


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