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Saturday, July 6, 2024

The country is slowly rotting

Judge Llarena upholds arrest warrant for Puigdemont

If it were not for the competent, incorruptible, professional judges, we would already be a South American banana republic. Judge Llarena, in strict compliance with the law, maintains the arrest warrant against Puigdemont: if he enters Spain he will be arrested and placed at his disposal. It will not be so easy to apply the amnesty that Sánchez has granted him.

Yolanda Díaz, 24 hours after resigning, now says no, that she is staying on as coordinator (?) of Sumar in La Moncloa and as a member of the Executive. Discredited, without votes, the new Doña Rogelia has had second thoughts, because her position as vice-president of the government is in danger!

Half of Sánchez's family could go to jail. In addition to Begoña, who has her own, there is the brother, the orchestra conductor who works in Spain - it's a saying - and pays taxes in Portugal, in a curious carousel, with a disproportionate increase in his wealth. These guys don't hold back. And Sánchez himself should tie up his own hands. And he who warns is not a traitor.

The attorney general, who has already admitted that it was he who authorised the spurious leak of Ayuso's boyfriend's data, has a problem with the disclosure of secrets. What can you think of a country whose attorney general does that? Who is going to believe it? Now he is busy guiding his subordinates on how to apply the amnesty law. But the judges are not going to swallow, and I don't think many prosecutors will either. The dependence of the Attorney General's Office on the government, already confirmed years ago by Sánchez, seems shameful to me. And this García Ortiz has been showing his back legs for some time now.

Sánchez has not won an election. And his empire is crumbling. The European elections were a greater punishment than expected: loss of votes, four points of difference with the PP and two deputies (increasing the Popular Party's share by nine MEPs and the PSOE's by one). Corruption is increasing exponentially and the appearance of a failed state is on the rise. Only the economy is holding up, but Sánchez is exerting some kind of magnetism over a PSOE in disarray.

In Catalonia, Sánchez has sold out Illa. For the moment, the rattle snatches the Bureau from the winner of the elections. And Puigdemont's manoeuvre, permitted by Sánchez, could take the presidency away from Illa, if he dares to come and is not caught before entering Parliament. He is capable of anything, although I suppose he will be caught in the Pyrenees, if he doesn't enter dressed as a lagarterana. The vote to elect the Bureau was most curious.

The president of the Bureau of Age allowed two absent MEPs to vote, so I suppose that appeals will be pouring in. Justice is slow, but inexorable, although with this TC you never know. Too close to Sánchez and incomprehensible decisions by Conde Pumpido, an irredeemable socialist. This is the x-ray of the country. But we are left with the judiciary, from the humblest judge to the Supreme Court. If it weren't for them, Spain would already be Nicaragua.

Heriberto Torres
Heriberto Torreshttps://elburgado.com
Contributor to El Burgado Digital Newspaper


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